[Solved] BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development

Assessment Task 1 – Project V1.5

For this assessment you must complete the following project. This project forms part of your assessment for this unit and should be completed and presented in a professional manner. Please ensure you complete each of the tasks below and submit with the assessment cover sheet attached.

Total Assessment 1 length should be 800 – 1000 words.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information

For a team to become effective they must collaboratively together. Individuals have strengths and weaknesses and yet when we choose to voluntarily work together for the common good of the organisation amazing things can begin to happen: Your job as the NSW Manager of a large Transport and Logistics organisation is to

Task 1

The First Step in this strategy is for you to develop the organisation development plan. Please detail how you will address each element:

o   Work collaboratively in consultation with key stakeholders and individuals to profile the organisation’s culture and readiness for organisational development

o   Delegate key roles in the organisational development process and confirm their commitment

o   Collect and analyse data on areas of the business experiencing problems or that need realignment

o   Determine and agree on objectives and strategies for organisational development

o   Contextualise change management techniques required to achieve the workplace culture outcomes and build them into the organisation development plan

o   Design and develop communication/education plans to achieve communication objectives in relation to the desired work environment and desired approach to problem‑solving and developmental activities

Task 2

Now that you have developed the organisation development plan, the next step in this process is to implement the plan. Outline how you will address the following:

  • Why is it important to create a positive environment conducive to maximise participation in the organisation development process
  • Undertake team development and training activities to develop collaborative approaches to problem‑solving and development
  • Establish task specific groups to articulate problems and to propose means for resolving the problems
  • Create conflict resolution procedures to achieve consensus or agreement
  • Factor in intervention elements in accordance with the organisation development plan
  • Brainstorm alternative proposals and negotiate and agree on outcomes

Task 3

The continuous improvement culture requires constant monitoring and modifications as required. Not only does technology change, legislation is also amended and best business practice also improves. Now you need to maintain organisation development program. Address the following points which outline how you will achieve this:

  • Encourage feedback to identify any loss of support for organisational development programs and activities
  • Follow the timeline and milestones you have agreed to with key stakeholders team meetings and individual in the provision of feedback in accordance with communication plan
  • Set out activities and interventions in the organisation development plan and maintain, evaluate and modify them as required
  • Establish senior management strategies to support the organisation development program by communicating effectively messages of support and appropriate resource allocation
  • Evaluate organisation development plans in terms of costs and benefits, including opportunity costs

Assessment Task 3 – Case Study

For this assessment you must complete the following case study.

Total Assessment 3 length should be 800 – 1200 words.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information

Task 1 – Your task is to create/develop a business development plan for a business of your choosing. This can be based on a business you are familiar with or one you create yourself.

You will need to address the following points in your development plan:

  • Discuss the needs and objectives of the business
  • Discuss the culture of the business
  • Identify the key roles
  • Discuss problems the business might be having
  • Outline objectives and strategies for development
  • Identify the change management techniques you will use
  • Develop communication and education plans

Task 2 – Then you will need to write a report outlining how you will implement and maintain the development activities and plan addressing following areas.

  • Consultative processes used
  • How organisation provide training and team development
  • How problems are resolved
  • How conflict is managed
  • How brainstorming sessions are conducted
  • Survey used to gather feedback
  • Structure and timing of team meetings
  • Activities used
  • Evaluation and monitoring methods used
  • How management will support team members

Possible costs associated with implementation and maintenance of programs



Assignment 1 – organizational development

Task 1 – developing plan

The current organizational culture at NSW provides that results are mainly attached to an individual’s skills, input, and expertise at work. In this organization development plan, it is intended that the culture is abandoned and a more inclusive and integrated approach to handling business functions is adopted. In the efforts of establishing a team-oriented way of doing things in the firm, it will be vital to delegate smaller activities such as the supervision of the drivers to the procurement officer. Delegation comes with the appreciation of lower-level employees and elevation of their self-esteem and motivation at work. As the manager at the transport and logistics organization, the main challenge is that customer satisfaction is greatly being suppressed by late deliveries of commodities to clients. Constant vehicle breakdown and indiscipline among drivers are some of the factors that are resulting in untimely delivery of products to their respective destinations.

The main objective that the organizational development wishes to achieve is the establishment of a culture…………………………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.