[Solved] BUMGT 5920 Assessment 1 Individual Research Essay

1) Assessment Details

The international manager
Describe, using academic references, the international challenges and possible opportunities for managers operating in a
global environment.
Provide a recent practical example of an Australian organisation which has faced the challenges of international
competition and expansion. You can use companies which have been in recent news, such as Qantas, or Ford, for
Give your personal view of how some of the conflict generating and solutions could have been handled in a more
effective process.
You will find chapters 1, 2, 3, and 9, 11, 14 from Luthans & Doh (2014) particularly relevant, along with other readings.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
1. Style: Essay
2) Due date: Week 5
3) Contribution to assessment: 25%
4) Word limit: 2000 (please include a word count)
• Good understanding of international environment, challenges facing managers operating in a global business
• Demonstrate insightful interpretation of the conflicting context and apply relevant frameworks and management
principles to analyse and critique the management solutions.
• A clear logical flow between paragraphs.
• Comprehensiveness of argument, given word limit.



International Business Management

Word count: 2002

Assessment task one


Running an international organisation implies that the business in question is conducted on a large scale. A multinational company comes with unique challenges and opportunities depending on the different operational environments in which it trades. For this reason; international managers need to be highly skilled in dealing with the challenges and seizing opportunities as they present themselves in the business context. Multinational corporation challenges may result in businesses losing their market share and collapsing altogether in the long run. Conversely, seizing the opportunities that come with international business could mean that a firm expands its operations and benefits from the large economies of scale available on the global platform. In this report, there is a discussion of Qantas’ international management issues and opportunities that the managers have experienced in the past. Being in the air travel industry, the company inevitably operates in different parts of the world and so experiences international management factors.

Stiff competition

Operating on an international platform implies that a company faces other players in the global economy. In the course of operating internationally, business organisations in different industries have to seek a competitive edge in a bid to remain relevant in operations. If a firm is surpassed by other players in the industry in terms of quality, efficiency, and other success factors, it is likely to lose its competitiveness and…………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.