[Solved] BUMGT5980 – Managerial Decision Making

Assessment Task 4 – Decision Making Application

Due date: Week 12 (or on the date advised by the course teacher)
Word limit: 3000 words excluding reference list and appendices
Weighting/Value: 40%
Part 1 – Essay – 20% value – 1500 words excluding references
“The capacity of the human mind for formulating and solving complex problems is very small compared with the size of the problems whose solution is required for objectively rational behavior in the real world—or even for a reasonable approximation to such objective rationality” (Simon, 1957, p. 198).
In reference to Simon’s quote, provide a critical examination of three discrete concepts (covered in this course) that may explain bias in decisions.
Part 2 – Case study – 20% value:
1500 words excluding references
Describe a specific decision making scenario (e.g., real-world application) applicable to each of the three concepts examined in Part 1. You may use three different scenarios here (one for each concept), one general scenario (applied to each concept), or anything in between. For each concept, explain (1) how bias is recognised or identified in the scenario, (2) methods by which bias may be measured or evaluated in the scenario, (3) strategies to address, ameliorate or overcome bias in the scenario, and (4) how this process may improve decision outcomes in the scenario.
Part 1 and 2 should be clearly separate although Part 2 discussion may refer to the Part 1.
Part 1 provides a theoretical treatment (critical examination) of each concept and should follow essay format. Part 2 provides an applied treatment encompassing relationship of theory and practice in a real-world situation.
The structure Part 2 is open – but this is to be in written form (e.g., report or case study format).
Students should consult the general guides for marking essays – links plus the ‘General Guide to Writing and Study Skills’ available on the course website
A marking guide for assessment 4 is provided at a separate link.
1. This is a two-part assignment. It should be clear that Part 2 has been informed by and links to Part 1.
2. You may choose any concepts that you think suitable. These may be drowning from different topic presented in the course (e.g., bounded awareness, framing and emotions) or from within one topic (e.g., heuristics).
3. The assignment should be submitted in one document. A reference list covering both parts should be included at the end of this document.
4. Submit the assignment as a word document. Use left justified (not centred!), 12 point font and 1.5 spacing. The reference style is APA. Marks may be deducted where this criteria is not met.
5. Headings, figures, tables and diagrams where appropriate are encouraged.




Part one
Biases in decision-making
Inherently, decision-making is a cognitive activity; the outcome of developing different thought patterns may either be irrational or rational. People’s traits encompassing their personalities and experiences are likely to influence the way they make decisions and arrive at conclusions (Wood, Cogin & Beckmann, 2009). For this reason; a person’s predispositions can either be an enabler or obstacle to the process of making decisions. Psychologically, decisions tend to be weighed against a given set of needs that are augmented by individual preferences. However, the needs are not always objective and impartial in the decision-making process. Rather, some biases act as major obstacles in the process. They disrupt and distort the objective contemplation of issues by introducing foreign influences which are separate from the decision. People are often unaware of the biases that impact their judgments, both professionally and in private life (Wood, Cogin & Beckmann, 2009)……………….
Part 2 – case study
Confirmation bias
The election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States can be deemed as confirmation bias of the electorate in the country. Followers of party leaders tend to have deep faith system in them, and so they are likely to register only the positive aspects of the leader and speak about them proudly (Spohr, 2019). In the process, the followers neglect the negative traits of the leaders. In the year 2016 presidential elections, Republicans and the larger US electorate bought President Trump’s radical ideas such as the deportation of immigrants. It was long overdue for Americans to get presidents who share their attitudes towards foreigners and so without any other regard, they sought to elect the current president.
One of the methods that can be used to measure bias in this scenario is the comparison of Hillary Clinton, both as leaders and private citizens. Clinton is a national hero who has contributed immensely to the history of the United States. On the other hand, Trump is a renowned business person with a……………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.