[Solved] CIS114-6: Network Systems and Administration

Assignment 1 – Research Paper

Unit learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate deep and systematic understanding of system and networking concepts, including principles, technologies, and emerging trends.
2. Scientifically and critically analyse, implement and evaluate networking techniques, technologies, strategies and methodologies used in industry. Apply analytical and problem-solving skills in order to select and implement networking solutions appropriate to multiple organisational and environmental contexts.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to write a Research Review or commonly known as Survey Paper in the format of IEEE journal papers on a Networking related topic. Review/Survey papers simply compare the work done by others and/or highlight them for new researchers to use as their starting point for their research. It is recommended that you look for examples of Review/Survey papers on the LRC and IEEE Xplore digital libraries. A sample set of papers can also be found on BREO. Your research topic should be in one of the following areas:
• Network security (any topic related to network security)
• Internet of Everything Security
• Consumer IoT devices security issues
• UAV / Drones security issues
• UAV / Drones digital forensics issues
• V2x Technologies, Standards, Protocols, Security Issues (select a theme based on one of these V2x areas)
• Cloud computing and networking
• Migration to the cloud: Security concerns
• Network virtualisation/containerisation
Assignment Requirements
1. The title of your paper should be specific and not use the generic titles stated above (e.g. you should not select a title as ‘Network Security’). Use of a generic title will result in 5 marks being deducted.

2. Avoid using quoted text unless it is essential. Too many quoted pieces of text will result in marks deducted as it does not show your own work. All references used must be within the past 5 years and only use earlier ones if you are referring to a standard, original work start date, start of a theory, etc. All references must come from quality sources such as journals, and conferences. Some reputable websites may be used such as BBC News or other networking websites, e.g. IEEE, Cisco, etc.
3. Wikis, blogs, and similar websites are not accepted, and marks will be deducted for using them. Such sites do not have reliable content.
4. You MUST use the IEEE template posted on BREO and any submission that does not meet the IEEE template formatting will result in marks deducted (see Marks & Feedback section below).
5. It is essential that you demonstrate critical comparison, analysis and evaluation in your paper as this is a Postgraduate piece of work.
6. Deduction of marks as per the above points will be up to a total of 10 marks (does not apply to Plagiarised content).
Is there a size limit?
You are required to follow and meet the Assessment Specifications stated below:
1. A Microsoft Word document written using the IEEE journal paper template (See BREO site for a copy of the template). The file name should be written as: StudentID.docx. Only Microsoft Word or PDF files will be accepted. No compressed files should be submitted.
2. The maximum number of pages should be 6 pages and a minimum of 5 pages using the same font size and formatting as shown in the template (do not include the assignment cover or this document).
3. Make sure that your document has your name, student ID, and course title you are doing clearly shown in the Author information as per the IEEE template requirements. No emails, University name and address are required.
4. This file should be submitted via the Assignment 1 link under the Assessment & Feedback section.
5. No hard copy is required, and none will be accepted. Emailed copies of the submission will not be accepted. You are allowed multiple submissions prior to the deadline using the BREO link, with the last one submitted is the one to be marked.


Enterprise System Development

Facial Recognition System Security


Today, different forms of organizations are investing in digital systems and networks for effective communication and ease of connectivity between different departments and subsidiaries. The rapid digitalization of activities in the contemporary global economy has created room for cybercriminals to infiltrate systems for malicious intentions like data theft and compromising system integrity. Network security involves the process of protecting a system from unauthorized and malicious intrusion. Theoretically, it complements endpoint security that concentrates on individual devices; on the contrary, network security looks into the manner in which the devices in question interact and the connective avenue between them. In every network security system, there must be the detection, protection, and reaction aspects of safeguarding its bona fide status. The contemporary global economy is mainly digital, and so, it requires high levels of network security to keep people’s both private and corporate affairs running smoothly. As a result of high digitalization, cybercrime is on the rise, and identity theft is a primary concern for today’s security system. To counter this menace, facial recognition systems have played a critical part. The research study looks into the security challenges, existing solutions, and future advancements as presented by different scholars in their works.

Security challenges

Trading places

The face recognition systems are supposed to accurately identify people and protect their data and classified information based on their looks. However, earlier iterations of the facial recognition system show that criminals are able to trick cameras using photographs, 3D masks, and video clips (Kumar et al., 2019). For instance…………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.