[Solved] COIT20251 Knowledge Audit Review

Assessment 2

Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will critically review the knowledge management approach followed within the business context of an industry.
The assessment requires you to write a knowledge audit review based on a research article on its reported knowledge audit and management. The review should reflect upon the case study presented in the article and should address the following issues:
1. Clear identified objectives of the article
2. The background of the company under investigation
3. The knowledge audit approach followed in the study
4. The major findings of the study
5. A comparison to similar studies
The review should be approximately 1500 words. You need to include at least three references in the review (including at least two academic references). You also need to make sure that the references are cited in the text and the review is free from any grammatical and spelling errors.
You will write the review in an MS Word file with proper headings, sub-headings, and a reference list.
You will be assessed based on your ability to appraise the practices of a knowledge audit to identify knowledge assets and knowledge capabilities within the business context of an industry, as well as the techniques of knowledge capture, knowledge codification and knowledge sharing.

• Understand the core competencies of a Business Analyst
• Understand the skills that should be developed
• Identify the need for external and internal environment analysis
• Explore tools and techniques for requirements elicitation and reporting
Learning Outcomes Assessed
 Critically review knowledge management approaches for the implementation of enterprise systems within an organisation and any issues that may arise.
This assessment task is also designed to assess your ability to develop the required graduate attributes of knowledge, communication skills, cognitive skills, technical skills, creative skills, research, self-management, ethical behaviours and professional responsibility, stipulated in the unit profile. Therefore, you should:
• reflect on the topics you read
• research and get additional readings as required
• write clearly using correct grammar, structure, and formatting
• follow the requirements and submit on time
• avoid plagiarism


Study Objectives

The study aims at identifying the impact of different audit quality traits on the voluntary disclosure level in the annual analysis. To achieve this, the researchers apply the panel data analysis. Additionally, they conduct an empirical study through a sample of 29 organizations that are listed on the Tunisian Stock Exchange. In this respect, a web-based search is performed in a bid to identify the corporate websites hosting sample firms as well as the official site of the stock exchange. In the study, the researchers are keen on looking into audit quality and the extent to which voluntary disclosure of financial matters facilitates it in practical situations.

The primary research question in this study seeks to address the extent to which audit quality traits influence the decision of making more voluntary info in the yearly reports of entities listed in Tunisia. Consequently, the study wants to assess the level of voluntary disclosure in the yearly report of the Tunisian publicly listed companies. Ideally,……………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.