[Solved] Digital Marketing & Social Media (26090)

Title: e2 Group Presentation – Comparison of digital marketing campaigns
and recommendations

Assessment will be based on the outcome of a comparative analysis and critique
of two digital campaigns belonging to two different organisations in the same
sector (e.g. charities, the automotive industry, etc.). Students are free to choose
the campaigns – however these need to be approved by their tutor for suitability.
Please be creative in your choice of campaigns and remember, those who
submit their choice early are more likely to get their campaigns approved as no
group should present the same brand or campaign. Each group will be required
to deliver the following:
1) A class presentation
2) Lead a class activity/discussion based on the presentation
Each tutorial group is allocated to two presentation workshops in week 35 (week
commencing 24th April), where the presentations will be given. You must attend
both of the workshops in your timetable as the presenting groups need an
audience to take part in the activity. Full details of timings will be on Canvas.


Integrated Marketing Campaign

The marketing function in a business organization involves getting the products out there and familiarizing them with them with the potential markets. Marketing personnel employs different strategies and avenues to get the goods known to and purchased by the buyers. Integrated marketing campaigns involve building on the traditional and modern sales strategic plans. This is to optimize communication of a consistent message portraying the firm’s brand to potential buyers. It involves bringing together different methods that result in added value in the creation of successful communication because it attaches individual merits of all the outlet channels. When combined, the different methods form a clear and vast impact as compared to when the channels are used independently (Hassan, Nadzim, & Shiratuddin, 2015)…………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.