[Solved] Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions

Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions

You must find a legal case that was in court and that was a case where one party was a business or business person accused of doing something wrong in their capacity as business person. Examples include environmental cases, such as BP oil spill, criminal cases such as the recent insider trading cases or older cases such as the Enron executives or the Enron Accounting firm, privacy law violations (Google, etc). patent infringements, (Apple v Samsung) and so on. You must decide on a case and discuss the following:

  1. Who are the parties,
  2. What laws are involved – statutes and/or common law? You need not be concerned with procedural law other than to understand and describe the next item.
  3. What court did the case get to and what is the procedural history – like the Cheek case – what court did it end up in and how did it get there?
  4. What was the result?
  5. What, if any, rights are being balanced by the law/case at hand?
  6. How does this case inform you about your future activities as a person involved in business?


Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions

  1. The case of Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions was debated in the October 2016 term of the United States Supreme Court. The argument was held on 27th February 2017, and it came on a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Court of Appeal for the 6th In this case, Esquivel-Quintana argued against the state for the alleged accusation of sexual abuse (“Oral Arguments”, 2017). Being a criminal offense, it was taken to be a case filed by the authorities against the accused individual; contrary to the norm with civil wrongs where the defendant argues with the plaintiff in the court of law.
  2. Sexual abuse of minors or any other individual is a criminal offense and hence in this case, criminal law takes course in the proceedings of the case. Criminal law controls social behavior and prohibits harmful, threatening, or potentially detrimental content to the welfare of the people. It encompasses punitive measures imposed on people violating the laws; it varies in accordance with jurisdiction. It differs from civil law where emphasis is laid on resolving disputes and compensation rather than the offender punishment (Ashworth & Horder, 2013)………………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.