[Solved] Essay on Montaigne – Jonathan Laxmi Writing the Essay


Write a 1500+ Research essay about Montaigne and the modern world. Please read about Montaigne.

Attached I have added the Paper outline, sources to be added (feel free to add more, must be scholarly sources), Prompt Assignment and the grading rubric.

Please read through the prompt and MY paper proposal and make sure that you write according to MY proposal.



Contentment in life can lead to reduced suicide rates by introducing optimal levels of mental health and true happiness. The more an individual is satisfied with his or her status, the higher the chances of enjoying psychological stability. Stress and depression are associated with displeasure with a person’s condition of living in society. People attach delight to access to material possessions that make life more comfortable and accord them a higher rank in their communities. Lack of luxurious accessories often result in different members of socety’s dissatisfaction, resorting to suicidal thoughts. On the contrary, individuals who are content with the basic needs and lack the innate desire for extravagances are less likely to develop gloomy traits. In his works, Montaigne advances teachings regarding how suicide rates can be cut by gaining contentment in life. The essay will focus on Montaigne’s lessons and supplement them with ideas from other scholars.

Contentment as a Personal Factor

The liberty of self-determination in the context of a particular world view brings forth comfort in life. Fundamental happiness in a person is unrestricted to other people’s thought patterns and determinations……………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.