[Solved] Foundations of Spiritual Formations: Research paper

Part 3 Instructions 

3pages  4 references   4 scriptures

Based upon your reading of Foundations of Spiritual Formation (chs. 5–8) construct your emerging view of the necessary ingredients that facilitate.

  1. Promotion of the spiritual growth of Christians.
  2. The traditional spiritual disciplines

4 biblical texts

4 References


Promotion of the spiritual growth of Christians based on Foundations of spiritual formation: A community approach to becoming like Christ by Paul Pettit: Chapter 5-8

Pettit’s book is made of articles from various authors, but he also includes his original content. A majority of the contributors to the work are in one way or another associated with the Dallas Theological Seminary either as graduates or members of the faculties. Each of the writers has addressed the issue of spiritual growth from their individual disciplines. However, this paper seeks to look into the issue of spiritual growth as depicted in the book from chapter 5-8. Also, the text looks into the ingredients of the traditional spiritual disciplines with reference to the same sections of the Bible.

In the book, the author introduces spiritual growth through putting across what he terms as the necessary and obvious preconditions of evangelical perspective into the subject……………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.