[Solved] HE7: Green Supply Chain Management

Coursework Brief:

Tesco plans to start a new branch of their business in UK selling products which are completely sustainable. They assume that the business would have an 80% split between online and 20% in store orders. The new business would be building five stores equal in size around 50,000 square feet in area and two 1,500,000 sft warehouses. They have asked the consultants Green Supply co to advise them of the following:
• Identify a list of 100 Products that can be sourced from UK locally to sell based on UK produce and reduce the carbon footprint.
• Identify location of the five stores in the north and five stores in the south to reach a population of five million in a 15 mile radius from their stores. and two warehouses one in the north of UK and 1 in the southern part of UK, that would support the retail and online customers in a ratio of 80% (online and click and collect) and 20% in store shopping.
• What kind of vehicles can be utilised as the business seeks to plan for delivery using a plan to have a zero-carbon footprint for delivery from warehouse to store or warehouse to home delivery? Create a carbon footprint plan based on the current available data from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/greenhouse-gas-reporting-conversion-factors-2019
No of deliveries per month
Expected Number of Customers
1 Mile
1to 5 Miles
5 to 15 Miles
• What kind of energy and building specifications, and practices that the stores and warehouses need to adhere to?
• What kinds of technology and reporting mechanisms should be adopted by this business so that the customers get an accurate picture of their emissions in relation to the products they buy?

Part-B [50 Marks]
Build an academic justification for such a venture identifying the various benefits.
Utilise theoretical models and articles to support your argument.
What are other areas which the business can look at to increase their sustainability status?
Date generic feedback will be available:
Within four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results
How generic feedback will be returned to you:
Posted on the module on MyBeckett.
Date provisional marks will be available:
Within four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results
How provisional marks will be returned to you:
Posted on the module on MyBeckett.
Date individual feedback will available
Following the Module Board and the return of all scripts from the External Examiner
How individual feedback will be returned to you:
By collection of assessments as directed by your Admin Team



Design of a green supply chain for a new arm of Tesco


The green supply chain management is the observation of optimal environmental conservation approaches attached to the manner in which entities administer over their distribution channels. It is a relatively new idea that is currently gaining popularity in a bid to enhance environmental performance along the entire chain. Ethical leadership, customer management, supplier management, competitiveness, society and regulations, are some of the critical success factors for establishing and implementing the green supply chain system. The contemporary consumers in the global economy are environmentally conscious, and in this respect, they tend to associate themselves with and purchase from producers and retailers who share similar assertions……….

Carbon footprint plan

Tesco is planning to invest its new venture in the United Kingdom. In this respect, the company is obliged to adhere to this jurisdiction’s provisions of environmental consciousness. Tesco’s carbon footprint plan has to be based on the U.K. governments’ Green House Gasses (GHG) conversion factors attached to company reporting functions. The variables in question are appropriate for use by the UK-based entities of different sizes as well as international organizations communicating based on U.K. operations (Beattie and McGuire 2020). In this sense, the scope of factors is defined in such a way that it remains relevant to the emissions reporting. The elements can also be applied for other purposes; however, users to this at their own peril……………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $20, please click on the purchase button.