[Solved] HIS100 SNHU Making History


Make a presentation on any topic about a AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY that based the give that I upload to you
please add image to the ppt
freedom on my mind
book link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xc3w5evvjcfrwo2/freedom%20on%20my%20mind.pdf?dl=0
Choose your own topics, based on what you find most fascinating/ interesting in the course readings and/or films. Try to relate to the theme(s). Create slides about 10-15) for a presentation
2- Follow the rubric and present on this chosen topic, using the readings and doing either a mini biography or general overview


Commencement of slave trade in US

  • 17th and 18th centuries; Africans forcefully moved from their native land
  • By mid-19th century; there was the American Westward expansion
  • Establishment and survival of colonies in the Americas
  • Cheap labor

During the 17th and 18th centuries, people from the continent of Africa were kidnapped and then forced into slavery in American colonies. They were forced to work on menial jobs in tobacco and cotton plantations. In the course of the mid of 19th century, there emerged abolition campaigns that instigated a critical discussion about slave trade that could potentially lead to the collapse of the United States during Civil War. At the time, the forcibly transferred African populations progressively contributed to the formation and running of colonies in the Americas. The enslaved Africans offered free and cheap labor to their white masters……………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.