(Solved) ITC568 – Cloud Privacy and Security


This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on your personal approach and feelings on
information security and privacy.
Essential Reading for this assignment:
• Automated facial recognition can benefit society – if we support its development
properly at https://www.ifsecglobal.com/access-control/automated-facialrecognition-
• A Survey On Various Problems & Challenges In Face Recognition at
• Evaluating the use of automated facial recognition technology in major policing
operations at https://phys.org/news/2018-11-automated-facial-recognitiontechnology-
• Why regulating facial recognition technology is so problematic – and necessary at
• Automated facial recognition technology wrong in 98% of cases, says new report at
87498/ (https://www.governmenteuropa.eu/automated-facial-recognitiontechnology-
• Facial recognition: is the technology taking away your identity? at
• Time for an about-face? Flaws in facial recognition plan at
• Facial Recognition and its Security Flaws at

The Bias in the Machine: Facial Recognition Has Arrived, but Its Flaws Remain

A State Government has decided to implement their own Automated Facial Recognition
Authentication (AFRA) system to enhance user authentication and identification for access to
various state-level services. Initially, these services are to include application for, and renewal
of, vehicle, boat and firearms licences. The government has said that these services will use
AFRA as a trial to assess the benefits and savings before considering a wider roll-out to other services.
The State Police Service have indicated that they would like to see a roll-out of AFRA into the
streets of all major cities in the state. They believe that AFRA would enable the Police to
quickly identify criminals and other “persons of interest”.
You have been asked to prepare a paper that considers the implications of the AFRA system, its
likely benefits and issues and its likely effects on the privacy and security of individuals who
use this system.
Read the articles listed above, and Chapter 2 Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in
Hong Kong, Singapore, from the text before starting your report.
Your report should cover the following:
1. Discuss the possible benefits and problems that could be realised from the use of the
AFRA system to identify individual users who wish to apply for or renew a licence.
2. Discuss the implications for an individual’s privacy from their use of AFRA to apply for
or renew a licence.
3. Discuss the ethical and privacy implications of the State Police’s proposed use of
4. Would the use of AFRA enhance the security and privacy of your digital identity if used
solely for licence application or renewal? Would your security and privacy remain the
same if the Police proposal was accepted? Discuss the personal implications of these
Each question is worth 25 marks and your overall score will be scaled out of 10. As a guide,
your word limit for this assignment should be around 3,000 words. Referencing using the APA
6th edition format is required.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to critically analyse the legal, ethical and business concerns for the security
and privacy of data to be deployed to the cloud.




Automatic Facial Recognition Authentication
Facial recognition systems are technological advancements that have the capacity of identifying and verifying people from a video frame, digital image, or a video source. There are different techniques in which the systems work, but generally, they compare selected facial features from a certain image with faces stored in a database. Automatic Facial Recognition Authentication systems (AFRA), seek to identify individuals by using pattern recognition methods. It is broadly used in apps ranging from social networks to more advanced authentication arrangements. AFRA systems are used for a broad range of purposes both in Australia and other parts of the world. Identifying anonymous people is a paramount function that aids both the private and public sectors in times of criminal activities captured on camera, catastrophic events, among other incidents. In this way; the systems come with immense benefits for the entities that use them with regard to the identification of persons of interest. However, there are serious privacy concerns that come with the installation of the systems in both the government departments and private entities. In this assessment, there is the evaluation of benefits, problems, security, privacy, and ethical implications that come with the element of introducing the systems in the governmental function of issuing licenses.
Potential benefits and problems of AFRA
The implementation of the facial recognition system to the process of license renewal is likely to introduce various positive impacts. First, it is important to note that the systems tend to eliminate the vice of identity theft in different industries in the global economy. If they are introduced in the license renewal function, identity theft will be greatly suppressed, and so the authorities will be certain that they are issuing the operating documents to authentic persons. In the year 2015,…………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.