(Solved) ITC568 – Cloud Privacy and Security

A State Government has decided to implement their own Automated Facial Recognition
Authentication (AFRA) system to enhance user authentication and identification for access to
various state-level services. Initially, these services are to include application for, and renewal
of, vehicle, boat and firearms licences. The government has said that these services will use
AFRA as a trial to assess the benefits and savings before considering a wider roll-out to other services.
The State Police Service have indicated that they would like to see a roll-out of AFRA into the
streets of all major cities in the state. They believe that AFRA would enable the Police to
quickly identify criminals and other “persons of interest”.
You have been asked to prepare a paper that considers the implications of the AFRA system, its
likely benefits and issues and its likely effects on the privacy and security of individuals who
use this system.
Read the articles listed above, and Chapter 2 Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in
Hong Kong, Singapore, from the text before starting your report.
Your report should cover the following:
1. Discuss the possible benefits and problems that could be realised from the use of the
AFRA system to identify individual users who wish to apply for or renew a licence.
2. Discuss the implications for an individual’s privacy from their use of AFRA to apply for
or renew a licence.
3. Discuss the ethical and privacy implications of the State Police’s proposed use of
4. Would the use of AFRA enhance the security and privacy of your digital identity if used
solely for licence application or renewal? Would your security and privacy remain the
same if the Police proposal was accepted? Discuss the personal implications of these
Each question is worth 25 marks and your overall score will be scaled out of 10. As a guide,
your word limit for this assignment should be around 3,000 words. Referencing using the APA
6th edition format is required.



Facial Recognition Programs
In the contemporary global economy, cybercrime has become rampant, affecting various aspects of life and all parts of the world. The vice comes in different forms, and the most common one is the interference with the integrity of a system through unauthorised access done by hackers. Cybercriminals range from terrorists to fraudulent business persons, dishonest politicians, among other rogue members of society (Sarre, Lau & Chang, 2018). Governments across the world are interested in curtailing the far-reaching impacts of cyber-crime by drafting and implementing policies that discourage the environment in which crime exists. In the modern setting, there is the emergence of identity theft, a practice that is proving to be detrimental to governments and private citizens who are the victims of the crime. Criminals are stealing other people’s identities and using them to orchestrate heinous and anti-social activities for their selfish gains (Akhgar & Brewster, 2016). In this respect, it has become an important factor for governments around the world to counter this vice because it is detrimental to the global economy. In this report, there is a reflection of the Automatic Facial Recognition Authentication system with regard to its application to government services………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.