(Solved) LH 2020 DB2 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


As you watch the video, consider what would be classified as population health, public health, access to care, and health promotion. Share your personal reflections and philosophy regarding health policy and the current political climate. Use APA format to document at least 2 scholarly references. Reply to at least one other student’s post with a scholarly comment. Professional discourse is expected. Completion of this post will count towards 6.25% of your course grade.
A minimum of two scholarly references with at least 1 from assigned readings and 1 from an outside reference should be used.
Reply to at least one other student’s post with a scholarly comment and include at least 1 outside reference.
Please remember that you must follow the grading rubric for the discussion board.


The health outcomes of a given discourse of people are deemed to be population health (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019). From the video, population health is manifested in caring for homeless veterans, working-class families, and people who live and work in hard and harsh conditions.

Public health encompasses the science of advancing the health and welfare of communities through disease avoidance, education, policy-making, and research for injury prevention (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019). In the video, public health involves creating awareness regarding health welfare among homeless veterans and other individuals in society……………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.