[Solved] MATH399N Week 1 Assignment: Using Measures of Central Tendency


Given the following list of values, is the mean or the median likely to be a better measure of the center of the data set?
27, 25, 29, 27, 24, 30, 28, 24, 25, 28


Given the following frequency table of values, is the mean or the median likely to be a better measure of the center of the data set?


Estimate the mean of the number of pull-ups completed by students during a gym class given in the following grouped frequency table.

  • Round the final answer to one decimal place.
Value Interval  Frequency
2-5 11
6-9 6
10-13 3


The frequency table below summarizes a list of the number of laps completed by swimmers during a fitness class. Find the mean.


A surveyor would like to find the mean number of pets living in apartments in a city. He collects data from 36 apartments in the area. The graph shows the frequency for the number of pets living in the apartments.

Find the mean number of pets living in the 36 city apartments, and round your answer to the nearest tenth. Record your answer by dragging the purple point to the mean.


Find the mode of the following amounts of exercise (in hours) randomly selected runners completed during a weekend.



A student would like to find the mean number of people living in households in a neighborhood. She collects data from 65 homes in the area. The graph shows the frequency for the number of people living in the homes.

Find the mean number of people living in the 65 homes, and round your answer to the nearest tenth. Record your answer by dragging the purple point to the mean.


Find the median of the following list of dollars spent per customer at a cheese shop in the last hour.



Find the mode of the following number of times each machine in a car factory needed to be fixed within the last year.



Find the median of the following set of data.



A manager at a shoe factory would like to find the mean number of breaks taken by employees on a particular Friday. He collects data from 15 fellow coworkers in the factory. The graph shows the frequency for the number of breaks taken during this time period.

Find the mean number of breaks for the 15 coworkers, and round your answer to the nearest tenth. Record your answer by dragging the purple point to the mean.


A production facilitator at a textile plant would like to find the mean number of rugs produced on a particular Monday. He collects data from 38 production lines in the textile plant. The graph shows the frequency for the number of rugs produced during this time period.

Find the mean number of rugs produced for the 38 production lines, and round your answer to the nearest tenth. Record your answer by dragging the purple point to the mean.


Given the following list of the number of pens randomly selected students purchased in the last semester, find the median.



Given the following list of the number of pencils randomly selected students used in a school year, find the median.



Find the mode of the following number of states randomly selected travelers at a service plaza visited in the past three years.



Find the mode of the following hourly wages (in dollars) of randomly selected employees at a coffee shop.



Estimate the mean of the amounts (in dollars) randomly selected customers spent on chocolate chip cookies at a winter fair given in the following grouped frequency table.

  • Round the final answer to one decimal place.
Value Interval Frequency
0-3 5
4-7 6
8-11 13
12-15 1


The frequency table below summarizes a list of the amounts (in dollars) randomly selected customers spent on hot chocolate during a winter festival. Find the mean.

Value  Frequency
8 5
9 2
10 5
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 3


Given the following list of values, is the mean or the median likely to be a better measure of the center of the data set?

39, 41, 38, 39, 38, 41, 41, 39, 40


Given the following frequency table of values, is the mean or the median likely to be a better measure of the center of the data set?







Given the following list of values, is the mean or the median likely to be a better measure of the center of the data set?
27, 25, 29, 27, 24, 30, 28, 24, 25, 28

Answer: Mean


Find the mode of the following amounts of exercise (in hours) randomly selected runners completed during a weekend.


Answer: mode = 4 hours…………….please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5