[Solved] MATH399N Week 2 Assignment: Histograms


The following frequency table gives the number of students of each age at a Montessori school.  Which histogram accurately summarizes the data?

Value  Frequency
4 7
5 6
6 7
7 6
8 4
9 15


The students in a first-grade class were all asked to time how long (in seconds) they could hold their breath.  The results were tallied and are presented in the following histogram.

How many of those students held their breath greater than 12.5 but less than 15.5 seconds?

A histogram has a horizontal axis labeled Values from 7.5 to 15.5 in increments of 1 and a vertical axis labeled Frequency from 0 to 6 in increments of 1. The histogram has vertical bars of width 1, starting at the horizontal axis value of 7.5. The approximate heights of the bars are as follows, where the horizontal axis label is listed first and the approximate height is listed second: 7.5, 2; 8.5, 1; 9.5, 4; 10.5, 2; 11.5, 5; 12.5, 2; 13.5, 5; 14.5, 6.


Selected runners from a marathon were asked how many miles they could run before they started to feel tired.  The results are shown in the following histogram.

How many of those runners could run greater than 5.5 but less than 7.5 miles before they started to feel tired?


The students in a gym class measured the length of their longest jump (in feet).  The results were tallied and are reported in the following histogram.  How many students jumped greater than 8.5 but less than 11.5 feet?


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