[Solved] MB759AF Design, Media & Management

Instructions to Students:
The Final Dissertation should be 12,000-15,000 words in length (+/- 10%) and should be presented taking into account the requirements below.
You must submit TWO bound copies of your Dissertation, which should follow the specifications detailed below. You must also ensure you have submitted your work through Turnitin as usual. If no work has been uploaded electronically, the hard copies will not be marked.
⇒ Word-processed on one side of A4 paper
⇒ Use Arial font size 11 or 12 in the main body of the dissertation
⇒ Line spacing should be 1.5 or double line, except for indented quotations or tables, where single spacing is acceptable.
⇒ Wide margins (1.5 inches/4 cms on both sides)
⇒ You must include a title page (further details below)
⇒ If the dissertation is confidential and is not to be used for display or consultation, include the word ‘Confidential’ on the title page
⇒ All pages which follow the contents page, should be numbered. The page number should be placed at the foot of the page.
⇒ The appendices should be continuously page numbered using a numbering system that is distinct from that in the main text
⇒ The word count must be shown on the title page – tables, charts, diagrams, references and appendices are not included in the word count ⇒ Citing and referencing should meet Harvard requirements

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
1. Define and contextualise the research issue and specify appropriate aim, objectives and research questions.
2. Critically evaluate and analyse theories and concepts relevant to the chosen topic to be researched in the form of a literature review.
3. Appraise research methodologies in order to specify, design, justify and execute appropriate and effective research.
4. Critically analyse and integrate findings from literature, secondary and primary research data in order to draw reasoned conclusions and produce relevant recommendations.
5. Produce a completed piece of research which is accessible and coherent to the reader.

The Assignment Task:
The Dissertation must follow the guidance below:-
Title page: Each copy of the dissertation must have a title page, containing the title of the Dissertation, the full rubric e.g. ‘Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of International Master of Business Administration’ and the year in which it is submitted, the word count and your name and student number. In addition, please place the name of your supervisor on the title page and a declaration confirming that this is all your own work and that you are aware of the Plagiarism policy and that you have not contravened this. The word count (excluding Appendices) must be shown. A statement relating to confidentiality should be made where applicable should you not wish your dissertation to be used for educational purposes with subsequent students
Acknowledgements: You may wish to recognise the people involved in your primary research and others who have supported you through the completion of the dissertation
Abstract: on a separate page, you must include an abstract explaining what your dissertation is about – not just posing the question or describing the background, but summarising what you were investigating, your findings and conclusions. It should be about one to two pages long. This is not included in the overall word count
Table of contents – with page numbers.
List of tables
List of figures
List of appendices
Glossary: These are definitions of any technical terms or full versions of any abbreviations used regularly in the Dissertation. If for example you refer many times to the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) or the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) you can create a list of abbreviations that will save you repeating a longer form of citation in the text. The list should be in alphabetical order.
The main body of the dissertation – It will usually be appropriate to divide this into sections, with numbered chapters.
It must have an Introduction, Literature Review (Review of Current Thinking), Research Methodology, Findings and Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendations
Further guidance on the contents of these different sections can be found within the Module Materials on MB759AF-16SBB
References All dissertations must include a full Harvard list of references for the sources cited in the body of the work and the Appendices.
Appendices (these should be in the hard copies of your dissertation, but you need not upload your full set of Appendices to Blackboard. You can instead attach a USB stick containing the files, to your dissertation). Each Appendix should always start on a fresh page and be listed in the table of contents. Appendices will not be included in the word count, but should always ‘add value’ to your dissertation.
Your Appendices must include clear evidence of originality e.g. interview transcripts, sample completed questionnaires, examples of your analysis such as coding of qualitative data, relevant spreadsheets and raw data input for survey work, e mails agreeing to participate in research or giving permissions for you to conduct research in a specific organisation, signed consent forms
You should also include a signed copy of the Research Ethics Checklist submitted with your Research Plan.



DECLARATION………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii

DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………………………………………………………. iv

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………………………… viii


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………. 1

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………… 13





Suggestions for Further Research          53


1.1 Background of the Study

In the current worldwide, dynamic, competitive environs marked by increased technological innovations, globalization, deregulation and digitalization, strategic agility has become pertinent. It is fueled by intense global competition, fragmented and challenging markets and varied and rapidly shifting technologies (James & Quaglia, 2017). In view of these, organizations ought to constantly modify and adjust strategic direction in fundamental businesses to remain competitive in the ever- changing circumstances. The advent of digitalization has revolutionized business operations, redefined capability and asset mix required to perform in business, making competition, globalization and competencies easily and readily transferrable globally (Rao‐Nicholson & Salaber, 2016).

Strategic agility in organizations has main enabling capabilities being strategic sensitivity, shared commitment and resource flexibility. To achieve improved agility, firms must have the capacity to detect and capture opportunities faster than their rivals do. This entails carrying out in-depth assessment of the key actors in the external environment of a business entity: suppliers, customers and competitors. They must consider offering value added products to customers by focusing on quality improvement, flexibility, cost efficiency, innovation and speed to market as their core competencies (Bhimjee, Ramos & Dias, 2016). They should have the ability to evaluate and spot fundamental factors necessary for elasticity in a given area of business specialty since today’s change is fast and complex, resulting from multiple hard to forecast and unpredictable systemic interactions.

Germany Banking industry is one of the most diversified industries in the larger European region. This is manifested by the intermittent changes being implemented by various commercial banks in Germany and the diverse strategies and structural and technological changes that they have employed in order to remain competitive (Bell & Hindmoor, 2017). The banking industry in Germany operates in a very volatile and dynamic environment pushing banks to develop strategies to reach the unbanked population and grow their customer numbers. The recent developments in this industry include the development and adoption of agency banking, introduction of deposit taking ATM’s, and focused alliances with telecommunication firms to offer mobile banking services, namely: Barclays Bank mobile banking app, HSBC Banking app, Santander Banking app, The Halifax banking app, and NatWest mobile banking app among others (Capie & Webber, 2013).

This study was anchored on two theories; the Dynamic Capabilities Theory and the Resource Based View (RBV). Recent studies have suggested that organizations are like living organisms; they live and experience and enjoy sufficient diversity and variety to enable them navigate through their fluctuating environment through change and innovation. This explains how organizations, including commercial banks in Germany, cope with rapidly shifting environments, how new ideas are generated and how product innovations emerge for strategic and structural revolutions to occur and in order for them to stay agile and to maintain peak performance (Taher, 2012). This informed the basis of this research study

1.1.1 Concept of Strategy

Strategy refers to the breadth and scope of a firm’s product-market offerings. Strategy implementation involves the proper allocation of organizational resources and establishment of a chain of command. It entails allocation of detailed responsibilities to specific entities for execution. It further encompasses the management of the strategy development process that………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $50, please click on the purchase button.