[Solved] MITS5502 Developing Enterprise Systems

Research report

The purpose of assessment is to assess students on the following Learning Outcomes:
LO2: Structure Web Tier & Application Components by identifying the most appropriate structural pattern.
LO3: Implement data access/persistence mechanisms including implementing enterprise-grade transactions in traditional as well as non-SQL data environments.
LO4: Carry out research on emerging tools and use expert knowledge gained to choose the right developmental strategy and tools to implement enterprise solutions without compromising prudent design principles.

This assessment expects the student to submit a critique report on a research article related to Enterprise applications and its current trend technologies. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report/Critique report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. The research articles would be tasked to explore further research trends relevant to the unit content. As further research findings the unit lecturer may supplement or substitute these to keep the research delivery current and updated.
For this component you will prepare a report/critique on an academic paper related to Enterprise Systems or Enterprises systems technologies, etc. The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of these major topics. The paper can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources such as Google Scholar, Academic department repositories etc. The topic and the related paper need not be later than 2013-14. The selected paper title with their URL may be uploaded on discussions in Moodle for other students as a reference and to avoid duplicity. Few papers as an example are listed below:
Weichhart, Georg, et al. “Challenges and current developments for sensing, smart and sustainable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 34-46.
Panetto, Hervé, et al. “New perspectives for the future interoperable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 47-63.
Dorantes, Carlos‐Alberto, et al. “The effect of enterprise systems implementation on the firm information environment.” Contemporary Accounting Research 30.4 (2013): 1427-1461.
Note: popular magazine articles, web sites and blogs are not academic sources.

General Instructions
1. All students must select a different paper. The paper must be approved by your instructor or tutor before proceeding. In case two students are wanting to report on the same paper, the first who emails the instructor with their choice will be allocated that paper (provided it is acceptable).
2. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.
3. The report must be in the range of 1,500-2,500 words in length excluding references.
4. The referencing style must follow the IEEE referencing style.

Report Writing Guidelines
1. The principal sentence or two of your report need to contain the author’s proposal, or focal idea, expressed in your own words.
2. Cite the reference paper to highlight original author’s contribution. Do not repeat sentences from the article.
3. Identify the main argument or research question of the article. Mention the main aspects of the work in your own words
4. Discuss the methodology (tools/methods) used to derive to the conclusion. However, the methodology used need not be discussed in detail (only the main idea).
5. Write the conclusion derived by the user by the article. Do not forget to mention the research question/ argument of the author to effectively conclude the paper.
6. Make sure your summary covers the main objective, research question, the conclusions/results, and how those results were achieved.



Today, technological advancements, more so in the computerization and digitalization aspects of running the global economy, are increasingly affecting the way people conduct business. Both the commercial and domestic aspects of life have been increasingly affected by technology. Communication, transport, manufacturing, and other forms of service delivery are some of the areas that are instrumental to human life and have been significantly affected by technological advancements. Martin and Leurent correctly bring out these factors in their work. The authors focus on the key insights and comprehensions attached to five technological advancements with the most significant effect on the future of commercial production. As rightfully put, they also acknowledge the roles that academia, government agencies, and business entities play in technology and innovation. In this report, there is a critical analysis of these authors’ work, either agreeing or disagreeing with some of their assertions as far as enterprise systems are concerned………………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.