[Solved] MKTG6002/MKT600 Marketing

Assessment 1: Situation Analysis

Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes of the subject:
a) Critically evaluate underpinning marketing theories and principles and employ appropriate research process to collect, store and use of data to genrate customer insights;
b) Critically evaluate customer needs to create value for customers by deploying the resources of the organisation in best possible ways;

Instructions: This assessment task requires you to develop a Marketing Environmental Analysis that comprises both the micro-environment and macro-environment. The micro-environment analysis involves a scrutiny of internal environment that facilitates specifying the strengths and weaknesses, while, the macro-environment analysis requires the scrutiny of demographic, economic, natural, political, technological and cultural (DENPTC) dimensions which will assist in specifying the oportunities and threats. Changes within the macro environmental forces are outside of an organisation’s direct control requiring an organisation’s marketing strategies to be adjusted to capture emerging opportunities and minimise any potential threats. Therefore, in this assessment task you will need to:
•Articulate your learning about marketing concepts and principles covered from Module 1 to 3.1to demonstrate your level of understanding to evaluate the organisation’s overall situation;
•Critially analyse the link between marketing theory and practice;
•Demonstrate research skills to reveal the insights;
•Apply appropriate business report writing skills;
•Use the appropriate APA style both in text citation and the reference list at the end. You should use at least 10 relevant academic referneces from leading marketing journals and text books to showcase quality of your research. Please see more information on referencing here: http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencing
•Discuss appropriate strategies with regards to your SWOT analysis.
Scenario: Choose an organisation from the list provided below that intends to expand itsbusinss either through a new product development or a new business/market development.


  1. Discuss the value propositions, core brand values and buyer behaviour of your chosen organisation;
  2. Analyse the micro-environment (the company, suppliers, intermediaries, relevant publics, customers and competitors);
  3. Analyse the macro environment, that is, demographic, economic, natural, political, technological and cultural (DENPTC) forces to demonstrate their impacts on your chosen organisation’s strategies/capabilities to serve the target market (s);
  4. List the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) as well as suggest appropriate strategies by incorporating the TOWS matrix to draw from strengths to capture opportunities, to overcome weaknesses and to defend from threats.


Executive Summary

Market performance depends on organizational, operational dynamics. A sound and effective management of business affairs result in positive market performance, whereas the vice-versa is true. In the research, it is essential to appreciate that Bounty, as a company, faces paramount marketing dynamics that impact its operations…


For almost four decades now, Bounty has been supporting potential and current parents in the journey of raising their children. Most people engage with Bounty through the renowned and trusted Bounty Bags. The prospective parent bags reach women during their 12th to 14th weeks in pregnancy. The main aim of the new parent bags is to reach new parents when their infants are merely 48 hours old. These products are distributed by Bounty representatives as well as midwives in hospitals nationally. They are jam-packed with info and products aimed at supporting the new life stage. All the bags’ contents have to comply with the SIDS guidelines and the World Health Organization (WHO) code, and also support breastfeeding. From a marketing perspective, it is vital to look into the entity’s products, potential competition, strengths, weaknesses, and other factors affecting them in the market. In totality, different market theories connect with the practical situation in the market……………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.