[Solved] MN604 IT Security Management

Group Assessment T1 2020  (Assignment two): Research in Information Security Management

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:

  1. Analyse and discuss the significance of IT security management for organisation
  2. Develop and implement IT security management structures for small, medium and large size businesses and corporations
  3. Investigate and discuss the appropriate design and secure solutions for varieties of organisations
  4. Implement a process to support the administration and the management of organisations’ security

Conduct practical investigations into network systems including industry procedures of information gathering, vulnerability identification, exploitation and privilege escalation.

Part A description:


Topic – E-Learning Based on Cloud Computing for Educational Institution: Security Issues and solutions

Many  institutions  are  adopting  the  use  of  e-learning  due  to  some  of  its  benefits such  as  lower  cost,  faster  delivery,  more  effective  learning  and  lower  environmental  impact;  without much   consideration   to   issue   of   security.   However,   e-learning   system   requires   a   well   secured environment for it to function. Write a research survey of the E-learning security issues and challenges and analyse their most recent solutions and developments.  Your article should cover the following points.

  • Discusses the security elements required to be implemented within e-learning environments.
  • Review on e-learning, security issues and challenges
  • Security Issues in Cloud based E-Learning
  • Analysis of security issues in E-Learning system.
  • Discusses the types of attacks in service delivery models of e-learning
  • Explains the situation and existing research relating to security in e-learning
  • E-Learning Based on Cloud Computing for Educational Institution benefits
  • Propose/ Review a number of solutions that can be taken to overcome these challenges
  • Challenges and analysis of their possible solutions

Propose methodology ensures data availability and provides solution to protect from the attackers


IT Security Management


The report richly looks into e-learning systems security from a pragmatic point of view. Since the e-learning platforms are internet-based, it is essential to appreciate that they are highly prone to cybersecurity threats that rock other virtual platforms. For this reason,…………


E-learning is a system of learning that is based on formal teaching but through the help of electronic resources. Ideally, education can be based on in and out of the classroom contexts—however, the use of the Internet through computers from the primary component attached to e-learning. Practically, e-learning is the network-enabled transfer of knowledge and skills where the delivery of education is made to a large pool of recipients at different or the same levels. Traditionally,………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.