[Solved] NUR 4337 Assigned Topic Paper Opioids

This 5-page  (not counting cover and references) Paper from Assigned Topic in course instructions must be in APA format. There must be 2 articles for evidentiary support of current knowledge and nursing practice. There should be an introduction or overview of major points and a conclusion with a summary of the writer’s viewpoint. Attempts to reduce harm in relation to this topic should be included. The role of the nurse in relation to the topic must be defined.  The paper must address nursing leadership issues, and quality and safety provisions related to this topic. The paper must make a recommendation from the writer. The course outcomes found on the course syllabus must be addressed.  

  • COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMESUpon completion of the course, students will be afforded the opportunity to:
  1. Analyze the opioid prevalence and abuse crisis in America.

     Domains: 1,2,3,4

  1. Evaluate the environmental factors contributing to opioid abuse and resulting healthcare management.  

    Domains: 2,3,4,9,10 

  1. Synthesize recognition of the signs and symptoms of opioid addiction or exposure across the lifespan into a nursing philosophy, nursing science framework, and then into the four metaparadigms of person, environment, health, and nursing.

           Domains: 1,2,3,6,7

                           4.   Evaluate the nursing strategies to help ensure the safety and high quality care of those

                                  Opioid addicted.

                                       Domains: 1,2,3,4,5,6.7,8  

  1. Generate the impact of the pathophysiological role of endorphins and dopamine in the body on opioid use and misuse to formulate effective nursing strategies in a healthcare setting.

      Domains: 1,4,6,8

  1. Compare and contrast the role of opioid treatment for short-term and chronic pain relief based on evidence-based practice.

             Domains: 1,3,7,10

  1. Differentiate the presence of opioid overuse, overwhelming desire for opioids, and withdrawal symptoms without continued opioid use, tolerance to opioids, and danger of overdose to maintain a safe healthcare environment with emphasis on utilizing quality improvement.

    Domains: 1,2,5,6

  1. Participate in analyzing the sociopolitical process that affects Nursing Practice and healthcare management.

     Domains: 1,2,5,2,6


Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Strategies for Pain


Medicinal medications, whether prescription or not, alleviate pain for various reasons. However, even while taking these medications, patients must limit their usage not to grow dependent on them. For example, many believe they can treat themselves with over-the-counter medications without consulting healthcare professionals for a diagnosis. This type of assumption, which may be characterized as ignorance, leads to the excessive use of these medicines, and finally, a person becomes dependent on the drug. When a person’s body develops accustomed to a drug, it becomes ineffective because the body begins to recognize the drug as a part of itself; therefore, a person must take more tablets to have the desired effect. This overuse of medicinal medications has occurred with the usage of opioids in the United States, leading to an increase in the prevalence of opioid abuse epidemics in the United States, and therefore the importance of identifying the various pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies to relieve pain, thus curbing the issue of drug abuse and prevalence use of pills by a young population, especially to relieve pain and stress………………………………..$15