[SOLVED] Pathopharmacology SP2 22 Nervous System Concept Outline

Pathopharmacology SP2 22 Nervous System Concept Outline


Nervous System Concept Outline:   Please follow instructions on the document attached for the concept outline.   Attached  is an example of a concept outline completed for you to refer to.    APA format for the references.  Use the template.   You can fill in the attached document or any word document  and then upload it when complete.

You can use your text as a resource.   Also note I have added articles to each module that I find are current and best practice, you can use these resources in your assignments.

Utilize the following case study to develop your outline. The outline concepts have been defined for you.  Submitting an outline that is not original work is not acceptable.

Your outline of the case should begin with a description/impression of your patient and what the likely diagnosis is based on the case study. (Review the example)  Identify and list your patient’s history, and his/her likely symptomatology.  This should then be linked into the detailed pathophysiology of the diagnosis (the majority of your outline) and conclude with a detailed pharmacology and treatment plan.

Please post your scholarly outline with at least one to two references in APA format.  Sources should be less than 5 years old (Max 7 years).  Your text can be one reference.

Case Study

Maria Rodrigues is a 63-year-old Hispanic female who presents to the Emergency Department via EMS.   You receive report from the paramedic that the patient developed sudden onset of slurred speech, left facial droop and left sided upper extremity and lower extremity weakness, slumping in her chair.  Her co-worker recognized these sudden onsets of symptoms and immediately called for an ambulance, which arrived within 15minutes. POC blood glucose level is 138. She is awake and alert.

Past Medical History:COPD, HTN, Type II Diabetes, + smoker since age 18.

Vital Signs:BP 140/90, HR 75, RR 16 Temp 98.4po.  O2 sat 96%

  • Labs:BMP, CBC, PT/PTT are all WNL.
  • Non-contrast head CT scan without hemorrhage
  • EKG no acute changes
Nervous System Concept Outline
Impression Based on the case study what is the likely medical diagnosis, what information in the case study supports this?
PMH Patients history
Symptomatology Signs and Symptoms: Which of the symptoms led you to your diagnosis? What are other the signs and symptoms?
Pathophysiology Detailed pathophysiology of the diagnosis to include cause, risk factors, and diagnostic interventions
Interventions Include both nursing and medical interventions.
Treatment Plan Include pharmacological agents, surgical and medical interventions. 



Nervous System Concept Outline
Based on the case study what is the likely medical diagnosis, what information in the case study supports this?  
Based on the patient’s symptoms the most appropriate diagnosis would be ischemic stroke. The condition occurs as a result of a disruption in the blood supply which would limit the supply the amount of oxygen and nutrients being absorbed by the brain tissue. The condition is characterized by the patient having trouble speaking with slurred words and difficulty understanding speech, numbness in the face and limbs which only affects one side of the body, blurred or darkened vision, headaches, dizziness, altered consciousness, loss of balance, and loss of coordination in limbs(Powers, 2020). Based on the patient’s symptoms where she experienced slurred speech, upper and lower extremity weakness, and difficulty in movement, she could be suffering from ischemic stroke……………………………..$10