[Solved] PPMP20009 Leading Lean Projects

Assessment 2 Specification Group Assessment (40%)

Based on the scenario given in Assessment 1, you are now presented with many issues (to build your client’s home):
• The performance of your subcontractors and vendors are not satisfactory and is directly impacting the quality of their work performed. You realise that you haven’t instituted proper reporting procedure to be followed by your subcontractors and vendors.
• You are unable to make informed decisions as you don’t have the data to objectively manage your subcontractors and vendors
• You have failed to develop a risk management plan to assess all risks that could affect your project
• You now realise that you lack leadership capabilities to successfully manage this project

This assessment item requires you to work in a group (no more than 3 students).
Your tasks
Write a report to your senior management explaining your action plans to overcome all the issues highlighted above. For each of the issue, you are expected to:
• propose necessary actions that must be taken by way of implementing the appropriate project management processes
• provide examples of how these new control measures are to be implemented
You are also expected to include the following in your report:
1. A brief executive summary
2. An explanation of an effective and efficient project review and reporting mechanism for monitoring and controlling purposes
3. The demonstrated use of the seven quality control tools (7QC) tools (and / or other quality tools) to generate subcontractor / vendor performance data (provide examples – these could be fictitious but practical data)
4. An explanation of an effective risk management plan
5 An explanation of the appropriate leadership style that you could adopt to manage this project successfully
6. A conclusion section



Leading Lean Projects

  1. Executive Summary

Managing construction projects can be a challenging undertaking, more so where different stakeholders are centrally involved in the process. In this particular case, erecting the client’s dream home has become somewhat difficult due to both internal and external variables. One of the major reasons for the project’s challenges is the performance delivered by suppliers and subcontractors. The two parties have caused negative consequences on the aggregate quality of work performance in the project. As the leadership team, it has been difficult to institute functional reporting procedures to be followed……………..

  1. Project review and reporting mechanism

Construction projects can fail due to many reasons. In this case, poor review and reporting mechanisms are among the main contributing factors. It is vital to develop and implement an effective project review, and reporting mechanism in a bid to accomplish high-efficiency levels as far as raw materials and financial resources consumptions are concerned. Transparency and accountability are instrumental factors in project review and reporting. Stakeholders, more so the hom……………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.