[Solved] PROJ 6000: Principles of Project Management

Assessment 4 – Personal Reflection

Learning Outcomes
Successful completion of this assignment will result in achievement of the following subject learning outcomes:
1. Understand PMBOK knowledge areas and process groups and their role, relevance and impact on project management best practice and PMI’s Code of Ethics.
2. Critically compare and contrast project management approaches and their appropriateness for managing a variety of project types.
3. Apply appropriate project management tools and techniques, paying particular attention to risk management.
4. Critically reflect on the leadership styles necessary to succeed in a range of project management situations, and their personal capacity to succeed in those situations.

At the beginning of your learning journey on this subject, you were encouraged to reflect on your learning experience and knowledge obtained from the learning modules through discussions and participation. This assessment will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning, document lessons learned, identify global project management practices you hope to adopt in your career. In short, your reflection is a tool for developing knowledge and professionalism in all matters relevant to you as a project manager and leader.

By the first half of Module 6, you will be required to submit a 1500-word reflection of your learning throughout the subject using the given/approved case study.
NOTE: Master of Business Information Systems students must use an IT project as an example in this assessment.
Your reflection should include project management knowledge you have gained throughout the previous learning modules in this subject and appropriate use of additional resources related to this assessment.
Based on what you have learnt in this subject, describe project management practices, implementation and competencies of the project team that result in success and/or failure in the given project. Critically analyse how you could do to enhance or improve success rate of the project.
Include references to readings and additional resources discovered.
Output and Submission:
Submit your completed assessment at the first half of Module 6.
Assessment Criteria
This assessment will be graded using the Learning Rubric below. It is worth 20% of the marks available for this subject.


IT Project Management


Communication and IT have developed significantly within the past decade. For this reason, project managers are required to be thoroughly prepared to handle the existing and future challenges in both the project management and IT industries. The current rapid globalization of the corporate world implies that entities have to increase their capacities to manage data and information substantially promptly. To this response, significant discussions are required in a bid to develop sound IT project management approaches and processes (Marchewka, 2016). IT project management involves the operation of organizing, planning, and defining responsibilities for the execution of different organizational goals in information technology. Various project management practices, their implementation, and competencies result in the success or failure of the undertakings in question.

Knowledge areas

Ideally, IT project management has distinct knowledge areas pertinent to its theoretical and practical aspects. The areas touch on scope, schedule, costs, stakeholders, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement, and integration management. All the areas have to be managed iteratively in the course of the entire project. With the exclusion procurement, IT project managers are likely to experience all the other knowledge areas in different stages of the project (Marchewka, 2016)………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.