[Solved] Psy3312 Positive Psychology

Discussion 4

Optimism, Wisdom, Courage, Mindfulness, or Spirit/Spirituality.

Be sure you chose an article that is relevant to positive psychology.  When you are in PsycINFO, try using the dropdown menu next to your keyword spaces.  For example, if you chose Wisdom, type the word into the keyword space then in the dropdown menu next to it selcet TI (title). In the second keyword space try putting “positive” and use the dropdown menu to select AB (abstract).  I have already done this and found plenty of articles for y’all to peruse 🙂  Please do not do an article that another student has already posted.

Briefly describe the hypothesis and the findings of your chosen article (use your own words don’t just copy and paste the abstract!).  Then answer these questions:

Why do you think you picked this topic/article?  What did you like and dislike about the research? How do you think the findings of the researchers contribute to the field of positive psychology? If you had to follow up on the research, what question(s) would you ask in your study?


Positive Psychology: The Impact of Body Awareness on Subjective Wellbeing

The article by Brani et al. (2014) addresses the topic of the role played by positive psychology in influencing subjective wellbeing. The authors aim to fill a gap in the field by understanding the role of positive psychology and its relationship with subjective wellbeing of individuals. They dwell their research on the negligence of previous studies to evaluate the role of body awareness. Brani et al. (2014) develop a hypothesis that……………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.