[Solved] The strategy analysis project: Final paper

Instruction for Final Paper

The strategy analysis project is a small group project. The major deliverable for this project is a 10- 15-page report (plus exhibits). Your report should be double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. You should also be sure to provide all appropriate citations and references for your research. You will also be asked to make a brief presentation in class on your project.

  1. Select the company from the list of companies suitable for the project, grouped by industry, provided on Canvas.
  2. The focus of this project is on a specific line of business, and NOT on the multi-business corporation. Thus, conglomerate or holding companies such as General Electric or Berkshire Hathaway are not appropriate. The companies listed on Canvas are all public companies, to ensure the availability of adequate information, particularly financial and performance information for your analysis.9
  3. Once the company has been selected, conduct a complete industry and environment analysis, using the course concepts.
  4. Next, conduct an analysis of the firm. This should examine the key resources and capabilities of the business relative to its competitors, as well as identifying core competences and potential sources of competitive advantage. This portion of analysis should also address the financial performance of your company relative to its peers, over the last three to five years.
  5. Then, analyze the company’s competitive strategy within the industry using the strategy concepts and frameworks discussed in the course. Address digital platforms and ecosystems as appropriate.
  6. Next, identify and analyze the strategic issues and challenges that are facing the company. These issues should become evident from your analyses.
  7. Finally, you are required to develop a set of strategic recommendations for your company. These recommendations should be strategic in nature, rather than tactical. In addition, maintaining status quo is not a strong recommendation. As part of these recommendations, you should provide a discussion of the key risks associated with these recommendations, as well as key actions that will be required to successfully implement the recommendations.

You should submit an outline of your strategy project by Oct. 30

Instruction for the outline:

Please post your outline for the strategy term paper project by Oct. 29th, as a response to Discussions, where you originally posted your group’s choice of company to analyze for the project. The outline can be in bullet point form, or a numbered outline with headings and subheadings, or even a series of brief paragraphs. I am interested in learning what progress you have made on the project, what remains to be done and what issues you see as being important.

Our choice is Farfetch Limited — Online retail platform focusing on luxury fashion brands


Farfetch Limited Strategic Analysis


Farfetch Limited is the leading platform that links, fashion designers, curators, and consumers in the world of luxury fashion. It operates globally in over 190 countries and has established partnerships with 1,300 fashion brands. The company was contrived in 2007 by José Neves, who is passionate about fashion. He started the company with the mission of his company becoming the global platform linking creators (designers), consumers, and curators (an audacious ambition reflected in the company’s mission statement). A year from its launch, the company began its business operation on the internet linking thousands of fashion designers to their consumers (Rosa, 2016). The company currently has ubiquitous departmental stores and luxury boutiques worldwide that offer fashion aficionados an exquisite shopping experience. With an employee base of about 3,000 staff members, the company smoothly operates in e-commerce with mobile applications and websites tailored to meet consumer expectations……………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.