[Solved] WR098 Paper 2 Comparative Analysis


By comparing two essays, you may come to an understanding about an idea, issue,
or problem that reading only one essay won’t do. An idea or approach in one essay may help
you understand something you didn’t understand in another essay. Indeed, one essay fi-1ay
hold the key to why something didn’t make sense in another essay.
Task For this assignment, write a three page comparative analysis. You will frame your
comparison/contrast within larger argument which demonstrates what the significance
of this comparison/contrast might be.
You can choose any two readings from the Globalization Read.er (except “The Church of
Please and Thank You” and “Globalization: Two Visions for the Future of Humanity”). The
essay should closely analyze distinct features of each text (related to content, rhetorical
features, or both) and provide solid evidence (specific textual examples) to support your
Like Paper 1., this paper should be driven by an arguable and specific claim and be based on
textual evidence. Structure your introduction according to the following Pattern:
(1 ) background (e.g. similarities)
(2) question or problem (e.g. an interesting difference),
(3) claim (e.g. reconciliation of the differences or a clarification of a concept).
Your essay must have:
. an introduction that clearly refers to both texts – with titles and authors.
o a complex thesis, which mentions the points of comparison and its significance.
. atleast2-3 specific points of comparison between the texts.
. at least five new vocabulary words that you have come across in our readings
(including signal verbs); Bold these words to indicate where they ate in your essay.
o a works Cited page.
You could choose ts/o texts that might seem to have very little in common and point out
subtle, but important similarities between them; or, if two texts seem to have a lot in
common, you could point out less obvious, but significant, differences there. You may focus
only on 5imiladties or only on differences, or do both. The important thing is to look for
unexpected lines of argument, for the less obvious similarities and differences.


Globalization Comparative Essay

The essay compares two articles; “The Future of a True Globalization: How Realistic Is It?” and “The Inevitable trend of Globalization.” Both articles agree on the fact that globalization in the modern world has unified different ways of doing things and has resulted in more integration rather than segregation in the wider perspective. Different people and countries around the world are seeking globalized ways of doing things to mean that there is standardization and uniformity in a universal aspect. Globalization is expanding at a fast rate, and both authors concur that it is likely to continue growing in the foreseeable future. In short, both articles advance a strong thesis statement; globalization is highly influential on both the collective and individual lives, and it is significantly embraced throughout the world……………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.