List Of Solutions

[Answered] NR451 Week 2 Discussion: Communication and Influence-the Power of Evidence

Discussion Question Effective communication is a staple of our healthcare culture.  Working with patients, peers, and inter-professional teams requires that nurses manage information and evidence toward influencing safe and positive […]

[Answered] NR451 Week 1 Discussion: Our Care Culture

Discussion Questions Care expressed and practiced in professional nursing models provides a way of looking at the nursing role from the aspect of care. It may seem excessive to consider […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 8 Discussion: PEW Typology Quiz

Initial Post Instructions You have already taken the quiz as part of the lesson this week; now, tell the class about your results and what they mean. What is your […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 7 Assignment: Final Project – Policy Issue

Instructions You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 7 Discussion: Agenda Setting

Initial Post Instructions Agenda setting can be a difficult task in government. Why? Who do you consider an important agenda setter in government? How does this participant help set the […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 6 Assignment: Current Event – Free and Fair Trade or Budgetary Issue

Instructions For this assignment, respond to one of the following options: Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 6 Discussion: US Budget

Initial Post Instructions You are an advisor to the President tasked with cutting at least $300 billion from the budget. The president wants your recommendations to cut lines, not large […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 5 Assignment: Current Event – Totalitarian Restrictions or Ethnic Conflict

Instructions Write a paper on a current event article that discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian state or an article on ethnic conflict within a nation. Summarize the article […]

[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 5 Discussion: International Organizations

Initial Post Instructions Pick one international organization (UN, EU, ICC, etc.). Explain its mission and function. Assess how issues of state sovereignty are dealt with for member countries. Use evidence […]