List Of Solutions

[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 7 Discussion: Self-Control and Aggression

Initial Post Instructions When it comes to aggression, self-control is one of the most important factors in keeping one’s destructive side from emerging. Your discussion post will include two parts […]

[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 6 Assignment: Love and Marriage

Instructions Research courtship and marital customs in the US and one other country. Compare and contrast core aspects of love and relationships in the US and the country you selected. […]

[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 6 Discussion: Attraction

Initial Post Instructions There are so many variables that factor into the psychology of attraction. Interpersonal attraction and sociability are essential to the survival of the human species. However, human […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 8 Discussion: Reflection on Transcultural Nursing

Discussion As you complete this course, reflect on how you will implement lessons learned about transcultural nursing into your future nursing practice. Provide details about what you plan to do […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 7 Discussion: Presentation of Course Project: Part 3

Discussion This discussion prompts you to identify and discuss cultural competence in professional nursing. You must present your Week 6: Course Project Part 3 Poster to your classmates. Please submit […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 6 Assignment: Course Project Part 3: Topic Poster

Directions You will complete a Poster reflecting the concepts of transcultural nursing related to the assessment, reflect on learning, and describe how you will utilize that learning in future nursing […]

[Answered] NR394 Week 6 Check-In: Course Project Part 3

Directions Download the Week 6 Check-In: Course Project Part 3 Template below. Save the template to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 W6 Check In.docx Type […]

[Answered] NR443 Week 8 Social Media Discussion: Past, Present, and Future

Discussion Question There are many factors that will continue to impact community and population health. Consider the past achievements in public health as many have implications around the globe. Describe […]

[Answered] NR443 Week 7 Discussion: Communities and Disaster Preparedness

Discussion Question Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare. Explore your community and find an advertisement […]