(Question) NR602 Week 1: Submission: iHuman Case 1

List Of Questions(Question) NR602 Week 1: Submission: iHuman Case 1
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
Once you have completed the iHuman Case on a Breast Disorder, submit your Case Study completion score sheet here. You may resubmit your completion score sheet as needed.

If you have not completed the iHuman Activity yet, please go to the Week 1: Activity: iHuman Case on a Breast Disorder assignment, for assignment requirement and access to iHuman.

In NR602, iHuman assignments will be assessed on the following areas: History Taking, Physical Exam, Differential Diagnoses, Rank diagnoses, MNM (must not miss) Diagnoses, Order tests, Final Diagnosis, Management Plan.

Each of these sections must be completed including the EMR section for the assignment to be considered complete.

A score of 80% or better is your target with this assignment. You will have (2) two attempts; the highest score of two attempts will be taken as the final grade.


iHuman Assignment: Virtual Patient Encounter
iHuman Assignment: Virtual Patient Encounter
Criteria Ratings Pts
ihuman Total Score Requirement

10 pts

Student achieves a total score of 80-100% on the assigned iHuman activity.

9 pts

Very Good
Student achieves a total score of 70-79% on the assigned iHuman activity.

8 pts

Student achieves a total score of 55-69% on the assigned iHuman activity.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student achieves a total score of 30-54% on the assigned iHuman activity.

0 pts

Student achieves a total score of 0-29% on the assigned iHuman activity.
10 pts
History Taking

5 pts

student completes section with 50 questions or less asked

4.5 pts

Very Good
student completes section with 51-70 questions asked

4 pts

student completes section with 71 – 99 questions asked

2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
student completes section with 100 or more questions asked

0 pts

student does not complete this section
5 pts
Physical Exam

5 pts

student completes section with 25 exams or less performed

4.5 pts

Very Good
student completes section with 26-30 exams performed

4 pts

student completes section with 31-40 exams performed

2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
student completes section with 41 or more exams performed

0 pts

Student does not complete this section
5 pts
Differentials (DDx)

10 pts

Student achieves a score of 100% on the assigned iHuman activity.

9 pts

Very Good
Student achieves a score of 81-99% on the assigned iHuman activity.

8 pts

Student achieves a score of 55-80% on the assigned iHuman activity.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student achieves a score of 30-54% on the assigned iHuman activity.

0 pts

Student achieves a score of 0-29% on the assigned iHuman activity.
10 pts
Diagnostic Test(s)

10 pts

Student achieves a score of 100% on the Tests section of the assigned iHuman activity.

9 pts

Very Good
Student achieves a score of 81-99% on the Tests section of the assigned iHuman activity.

8 pts

Student achieves a score of 55-80% on the Tests section of the assigned iHuman activity.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student achieves a score of 30-54% on the Tests section of the assigned iHuman activity.

0 pts

Student achieves a score of 0-29% on the Tests section of the assigned iHuman activity.
10 pts

5 pts

Student –achieves a score of 80-100% on the Diagnosis section of assigned iHuman activity

4.5 pts

Very Good
Student achieves a score of 70-79% on the Diagnosis section of assigned iHuman activity.

4 pts

Student achieves a score of 55-69% on the Diagnosis section of assigned iHuman activity.

2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student achieves a score of 30-54% on the Diagnosis section of assigned iHuman activity.

0 pts

Student achieves a score of 0-29% on the Diagnosis section of assigned iHuman activity.
5 pts

5 pts

90-100% score with all questions fully answered

4.5 pts

Very Good
Student achieves a score of 70-89%. Minimal of 1-2 fully and/or partial answers completed

4 pts

Student achieves a score of 55-69%; minimal of 3 fully and/or partial answers completed

2.5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student achieves a score of 30-54%; minimal of 4 fully and/or partial answers completed

0 pts

Student achieves a score of 0-29%; minimal of 5 fully and/or partial answers completed
5 pts
Management Plan Requirement

1. Write an actual Prescription that is appropriate to final diagnosis
2. Include patient education regarding final diagnosis
3. Include patient education regarding prescribed medication(s)
4. Include a referral(s) as applicable
5. Does not post a SOAP note in the management plan section

12 pts

All 5 critical elements are present

11 pts

Very Good
1 critical element is missing

10 pts

2 critical elements are missing

6 pts

Needs Improvement
3- 4 critical elements are missing

0 pts

All critical elements are missing
12 pts
EMR Requirement

1. Completes the EMR sections based on a focused assessment
2. Does not write “WNL” in the EMR
3. Correctly write problem statement
4. Include assessment of both Cardiac and Respiratory systems of the focused assessment
5. Includes both Pertinent Positives AND Negative for each component relevant to the focused assessment

13 pts

All 5 critical elements are present

12 pts

Very Good
1 critical element is missing

10 pts

2 critical elements are missing

7 pts

Needs Improvement
3- 4 critical elements are missing

0 pts

All critical elements are missing
13 pts
Manual Deduction

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Late Penalty Deductions
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0 pts

Manual Deduction

0 pts

Manual Deduction
0 pts